Connections Lost, but Not Forgotten

Brissa Zambrano

More stories from Brissa Zambrano

HOCO Block Party
September 9, 2022

courtesy of Jordy Tilles Villalta

The mic is silent after the untimely death of rapper PnB Rock.

Who was Pnb Rock?  Pnb Rock was a relevant and known rapper/singer-songwriter who impacted and helped save many lives. His music had a way of connecting his audience and making them feel heard and recognized. Sadly, he recently passed away on September 13th eating breakfast with his significant other when all of a sudden he was ambushed, robbed, and shot down. Due to critical injuries, he passed away. Not only did he have many hit singles, but he left his mark by always being there and contributing to his community. 

Rakim Hasheem Allen which was what he was better known as, was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on December 9th, 1991. He was young when he began rapping and began to write songs in his bedroom in a small house. Pnb Rock grew up in poverty working through the struggles in a big family of 6 with 4 other siblings, but as he rose to fame he always gave back to others when others needed it. He soon began to become famous when he released his hit single ¨selfish¨ which many people would say personally connected them to the song because it talked about loving your partner and being selfishly in love with them and just wanting to be with them, which many people nowadays can relate to. 

Many people listened to him for a variety of reasons. Journey Tucker revealed that his music was a way to escape and just space out and really connect to the lyrics. Every time you would put on a song it was a way to relieve stress and just take every lyric to heart. It’s inspiring to think that an artist like him has a way with his music that makes it easier to be yourself and express how you feel through his words and beats. Journey says that ¨Pnb Rock rocks music was catchy and made me feel confident and true to myself¨

Although many people have strong opinions that not all rappers/singer-songwriters are good or are considered mumble rappers, many were inspired by Pnb Rock’s music and his way of connecting his lyrics to real-life scenarios. Pnb Rock’s career kicked off in 2016 when he released many hit songs like “selfish”, “horses”, “I like girls”, and “notice me”, which were complete bangers, but now are considered old hits that many still listen to and confide in.

It’s sad to say that he passed away just trying to have a good day and trying to enjoy his chicken and waffles. That just goes to show you that tomorrow isn’t promised and to live your life out to the fullest. There are many people who are grieving and still in shock over his death, especially in his hometown doing candlelight ceremonies and balloon releases. He was a very well-known rapper, and may he rest in peace.