Those New Year’s Resolutions

Elizabeth Martinez

More stories from Elizabeth Martinez

Have you ever had a New Year’sYears resolution? Mostly everyone says they’re going to complete things in the new year and never accomplish them. I’ve definitely been one of those people. Most years I say I’m going to work out and become fit, but that never happens because I give up too easily. I work out for the first two weeks and then give up. I know other people struggle with this as well because I’ve seen it many times on social media or from my friends. I know I’m not the only one that sets these goals for myself and never achieves them fully. 

New Year’s resolutions can be different things, they don’t all have to do with working out. Some people set non-personal goals like they would give a compliment a day to someone, do random acts of kindness, do more volunteer work, or donate things you don’t really need.  kinds of goals usually get accomplished. 

Some examples of personal goals people set for themselves would be to be kinder to themselves, to try and go to sleep happy each night, to read a new book each month, to stop gossiping, to delete social media, let go of grudges, and so much more. Not everyone has a New Year’s resolution, but most people like to set one for themself. New Year resolutions aren’t a need for the new year, it’s just a goal people like to start off with. It’s honestly like any other goal you make for yourself except it’s at the very beginning of the year.

Making New Year resolutions have affected me in many ways. I usually try to set a very challenging goal for myself. I do this because I want to work for everything I have and I don’t want anything handed to me. This year it was to let go and leave some people in 2021. So far I think I’m doing a good job. There were certain people in my life that were holding me back and I felt stuck with all the toxicity. Now that I’ve let them go I’m doing better as a person, and I feel like I have more room to grow. So, having a New Year’s resolution can be good for many people. It’s not like any bad could come from setting one. So why not try setting one for yourself?