COVID: It’s Still Around

    Its important that we understand COVID-19 is still present in the world.

    Alissa Eckert, MS; Dan Higgins, MAM, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

    It’s important that we understand COVID-19 is still present in the world.

    It’s about time to address the elephant in the room. Covid is going around even after two years. For the longest time, people held their breath with worry, yet now they’ve become comfortable with their everyday lives and gone back to normal; but covid isn’t gone. It’s still alive and rampant. The proof exists within the number of students and teachers of Verrado that get sick and return to school a couple of days later, many of them not getting tested or taking safety measures. This epidemic is serious, and people need to treat it that way, but how?

    First and most importantly, covid is not the same as it used to be. The pandemic used to be this big unknown, and even though more information is known, there still isn’t a “cure” because covid is a mutating virus. In simple terms, as time goes on, it adapts to new conditions and can change and stay alive; finding a sure antidote isn’t easy because one antidote that may have helped in a past version will no longer work on this one.  That isn’t to say that the current vaccines are useless, but there needs to be an understanding that expecting the vaccine to make someone immune just isn’t realistic. The minor symptoms, ones easy to overlook, are a runny nose, a cough, sore throat, fever, headaches, muscle pain, and fatigue. 

    Because the symptoms are common to many other diseases, covid tests and other proper sanitation needs to be taken. At-home tests are available at your nearest CVS pharmacy along with delivery and detect the virus within ten to fifteen minutes which is an advantage over going in person, so they are easily accessible. Staying protected is ultimately up to the person’s ability to be informed. This means that if someone is exposed to covid, they need to tell anyone who’s been near them recently and cancel plans until they get tested. If a person does end up with covid, they need to isolate themselves, wear a mask when they go out, and wash their hands frequently. If possible, remote food delivery is a good way to keep away the spread. At the end of the day, a doctor will be the best bet for people seriously worried about being exposed to covid or testing positive should refer themselves to the nearest hospital. Covid can become dangerous so take proper measures for yourself and those around you.

    Stay safe, Verrado.