Verrado High School recently kicked off the football season with their first game, hosted at the school.
Mixed opinions of this game spread around the school, not only for the loss but for the devastating actions of the student body.
Although the entire section cannot be held responsible for what happened, many feel the student section is only as good as the weakest link.
Students attending this game report not feeling safe, specifically the band. Reports of rocks and soda cans being thrown, hair pulling, and flat-out harassment toward the band.
After the halftime performance, Mrs. Mledrum, the band director, stated that the environment was too unsafe for the band to return to the stands. She stated, “In all of my years of teaching at Verrado High School, this is the worst I’ve seen.”
Additionally, baby powder, an item told not to bring, was a very avid part of the student section hype. Damaging to not only instruments, the talcum within the powder has also been proven to have long-term damage to the lungs.

Grace Romeo, a saxophone player in the band, reported having rocks wrapped in tin foil thrown at her, not only hitting her, but other members of the band.
After the incident the Student Government and admin decided to move the student section, not only further from the band, but further from people in general.
Mrs. Diehl, the cheer coach wanted to bring light to this, saying, “Our student section has been known to throw powder and to be loud and rude before, however never to this extent. The decision had already been made to move the student section to the other side of the band so that they were not right next to the other spectators.”
Moving forward the entire admin team will be more strict for the student section, having everyone’s safety in mind, and are trying to make sure everyone can enjoy the football game.
Students are expected to be on their best behavior with the upcoming Homecoming game, so admin intends to implement mandatory IDs and plans to have a camera in the student section for the entirety of the game.