A Thrifted Verrado

    A budding fashion influencer, Leah is a staff writer for the Viper Times.

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    With the construction of the brand new Goodwill off Indian School Road, it begs the question: “Who even thrifts anymore?” 

    Some residents might think that thrifting is outdated, time-wasting, and in some cases, unsanitary. But, amongst the youth of Verrado, thrifting is the opposite. In fact, thrifting is on the rise. 

    People thrift for many reasons. Brissa Zambrano reveals that thrifting is a creative outlet for her and others because you never know what you’ll find. When every visit to the thrift store is different, it’s exciting to think about what you might discover through the endless amount of pre-loved items. Brissa says that “thrifting is a way to express yourself.” 

    Oftentimes, students might feel that current trends might not fit their style. Verrado Fashion Club’s co-president Brooke Lercher touches up on this. “If you go to the mall and walk into the Urban Outfitters, you’ll see the same clothes in every other store, like Forever 21, or H&M.” Brooke agrees that trends are not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s hard to find unique pieces. and that is why she loves thrifting so much. Brooke admits that thrifting has its cons, though. Be careful and sanitary so thoroughly was your find before you wear it.

    Thrifting is a great way to express oneself. With 5 thrift stores in the valley, and one going up right down the street, thrifting is an easily accessible way to get unique items for a bargain.