Choir And Theatre Booster Club To Kick Off At Spring Musical Jekyll And Hyde

Theatre and Choir have been working hard to start their booster club and can’t wait to kick start it at Jekyll and Hyde.
May 3, 2023
The Theatre program is about to put on Jekyll and Hyde on May 4th, 5th, and 6th, and is using this chance to kick start the brand new Theatre-Choir booster club. The booster club is an amazing opportunity and will allow the theatre and choir programs to improve future productions, such as the two next year, Mean Girls and Les Miserables. The booster club programs of theatre and choir have chosen to work together because a lot of the same students are in each of the programs and can create more productive funding opportunities and more volunteers for the board
According to Charlotte Wolter, Theatre Club President, “The booster club will allow Verrado Theatre to have more funds and technology to be able to expand into the community. Our program can improve our auditorium as a whole with a new sound system and more microphones for our actors.”
The booster club has already made a major impact on the student. They provided the cast and crew with a snack on long rehearsal days and will provide them with meals on show nights. Before this year, students would have to bring their food or wait till after rehearsal to eat. The addition of snacks to rehearsals has been a game changer.
According to Louise Comer, theatre-choir booster club president, “We are just here to help both programs with anything they may need.”
The booster club has already helped both programs tremendously. Recently the theatre club got into quite a pinch when they found out the day before their banquet that their catering had fallen through. “The booster club helped us get food quickly to our banquet. Without their quick action, we would not have had food[at banquet] or we would of has to pay for it out of our own pockets” says Charlotte.
The booster club will be selling cookies, snacks, and encouragement stars at the musical to kick start the booster club.
If you are interested in being a part of the Booster Club please contact Louise Comer, at [email protected].