My Final Days at Verrado
Staff writer, Angelina Cabrera, says good-bye to high school and the teachers that helped inspire her.
April 21, 2022
As I begin my final days at Verrado, I am realizing how much this school and the people here have helped shape the person I am today. From my first day as a freshman to now, I can definitely say that I have learned and grown so much as a person since then. Although things may not have turned out the way that I expected them to, I am grateful for the time I have spent here.
As a freshman and sophomore attending Verrado, I didn’t have the best experience. But, even with this, I still managed to have some good moments. In my freshman year PE class, I met some of my best friends. The friends I made in this class are people I still hang out with today. They were there when we were in quarantine and are still here with me now. If it weren’t for them I can definitely say that my high school experience wouldn’t have been enjoyable whatsoever. In sophomore year I had some of the best teachers I’ve ever had the privilege of having. Going in with little to no motivation was something I struggled with. But, somewhere along the way with the help of some of my teachers, I found it in myself to do better. Ms. Breitweiser in particular was a teacher that genuinely inspired me to be a better student and pushed me to accept nothing less than the best of myself. I met Ms. B my sophomore year when I took her Honors English two class. Going into this class, I knew I liked to write. But, as I began to experience the way she taught more and more, I truly remembered how much I loved to learn. One thing that Ms. B knew how to do so well, as she knew how to help you realize how much potential you truly have. I can honestly say that without her class, I wouldn’t be the student or person I am today. Another class that I will always remember is Ms. Barnhill’s chemistry class. Don’t get me wrong, chemistry is one of the worst classes I have ever taken and I hated the subject for everything it was. But, having Ms. Barnhill as my teacher definitely made it worthwhile and fun. The energy she brought into her class every day was unmatchable and consistently brought a smile to everyone’s face. I will say that one thing I will definitely miss about Verrado is the amazing teachers they have. They may not know it, but the little things they do genuinely make a difference in their students’ lives.
My remaining junior and senior years were anything but your typical high school experience. The majority of my junior year was spent online. While many loved being able to stay home and be in their pajamas the entire day, for me, I was miserable. I began to struggle academically, mentally and was overall extremely unhappy with virtual learning. Not only this, but I was also beginning to truly realize that some of my last days at Verrado were being wasted. But, thankfully during the late parts of our second semester, we were able to come back to in-class learning. During these last few days back on campus for the first time since sophomore year, I had so much fun and was so thankful to have the opportunity to be with my friends again. Soon after for my senior year, I was able to come in full time for in-class learning. This past year has definitely been one of the happiest school years I have ever experienced. I can definitely attribute this to my friends and family who have made this year so genuinely memorable and special. As our bonds grow closer and our memories are made, it continues to make it harder and harder for me to say goodbye.
Now that I’m in my senior year, I look back on my previous years at this school and can’t help but think of how much I’m going to miss being here. As my friends and I go our separate ways and begin lives of our own, I’m really beginning to realize that without the ups and downs that come with attending Verrado, I wouldn’t have all the things I appreciate right now. With that being said, I would like to thank every teacher, staff member, and friend I’ve come across at this school. They have truly made a difference in my life and have helped me learn many valuable lessons I will take with me throughout the rest of my life.