Jekyll and Hyde The Musical Is Coming To Verrado


Ezra De Paz

Emma Nechy, Becca Hadley, and Kendall Conner posing in their costumes.

Joseph Seymour and Gabby Comer

This year Verrado is doing Jekyll and Hyde for musical theater in early May. Fellow students get the chance to see some familiar faces portray complex characters and demonstrate their talent in singing on the stage. Tickets aren’t available yet, but they will be on sale in the bookstore later this month. The price of tickets will be 10 dollars for students and 13 dollars for visitors.

Jekyll and Hyde are a musical about a scientist named Dr. Jekyll who deals with the darker side of science and transforms himself into Mr. Hyde who is a murderer with no regret. 

Verrado chose this play to fit the theme of murder, which has been the theme for all of their productions throughout the 2022-2023 school year. 

This musical contains countless songs throughout its duration, such as Murder, Murder, and Facade. According to Makailah Sanchez, ensemble member, and Theatre Council Member, “My favorite songs are Murder, Murder, Bring On The Men, and A New Life.”

Many people at Verrado are working very hard to make the show the best it can be. “I’m most excited to perform the musical. I love being on stage, and the songs are really fun to sing,” said Makailah. 

Charlotte posing with the frame of part of the set. (Gabby Comer)

The Stage Manager of the Jekyll and Hyde Charlotte Wolter, “I am most excited for the chance to expand our theatre program and to showcase our new two-story set, and our amazing actors.” This year Verrado Theatre was able to make a more advanced set due to the help of parent volunteers and donations. They are also starting a Theatre-Choir booster club they are hoping to jump-start at the musical this year.

If a student is interested in auditioning for a production next year, they will have plenty of opportunities. Verrado Theatre is putting on two musicals next year as opposed to its normal Fall one-act and Spring musical lineup. Although musical theater takes hard work, anyone is welcome to audition as long as they put in the hard work.