Even though fall sports are still going on, winter sports are creeping upon us! Soccer Preseason has officially started for both boys and girls. Soccer started at the beginning of October and both Verrado soccer teams will be working out to prepare for their winter games.
Girl’s preseason soccer is in the morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m., while the boys are on Monday and Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. However, this may vary for the boys depending on the circumstances.
There are brand new coaches for the girls’ and boy’s soccer teams this year due to the beloved Coach James and Coach Press leaving the school.
Coach Ernie will be the head Varsity girls coach as well as assisting the new JV girls coach, Nemo Romero. As for the boys, Coach Marek is the head coach for Varsity and JV boys. They are looking for another coach just for JV at the moment.
Going to preseason practices is good for any sport. The pros of going to these types of practices are summed up well when Coach Marek says, “Benefits of going to preseason is to be able to get some touches in with those that are trying out this season. A way to see what level you’re at compared to those that go. It’s also a meet and greet with the coach and find out a little more about me and the way I coach”. With that being said, it is not mandatory to go to these but it is heavily suggested for all players.

What one does at preseason will vary from each coach and their coaching style. Coach Ernie states the following about what he has the girls doing for preseason, “Players are playing small-sided games while also working on agility and some light conditioning”. Along with this, Coach Marek says, “Preseason is just a kick around. Nothing special, we do a warmup and play. Gives me an idea on how kids play with one another”.
Tryout dates are October 30th through November 1st for the lady vipers from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. For men, their tryouts are from October 30th through November 3rd with no set time as of now.
During tryouts, both coaches are looking for certain characteristics in players. Coach Marek voices, “I’m looking for a player who already possesses the technical aspects of soccer as well as a player who can be coached into a different system than they are already used to playing”. Coach Ernie’s opinion on the matter is, “Effort goes a long way with me. I’ve been around some very talented players who want to compete and are willing to do the little things that it takes to move our program in the right direction”.
Tryouts are a stressful time for players. Coach Ernie advises by saying, “Make sure you are on time and dressed out when the training session is supposed to start. Come prepared to work hard”. Coach Marek adds, “My advice is to not think too much, go to tryouts, and do your best. Apply what you know about the game at tryouts”.
To keep up with what’s happening in soccer this year, remember boys are on Remind for updates and girls are on Telegram! To go to preseason and tryouts, a student must be cleared on Register My Athlete! Updates are also posted on their Instagrams @vhswomenssoccer1 and @verradosoccerboosters.boys. Good luck to all the vipers trying out!