Abby Williams, Editor at Large
From California, an Arizonian native at heart, Abby is a very strong, witty, selfless, and intelligent person. She loves the beach but has grown to love the desert. Abby has always been a family-oriented person and loves spending time with them. Either going on family vacations to having movie marathons. Abby hopes to become a journalist as her career and will be majoring in Journalism.
Abby, now a senior, wants to explore more into her writing and inspire others to love writing as much as she does. She loves expressing how she feels in writing. Writing has influenced Abby a great deal in her life. It helps her be creative and get to know her in and outs of being a young woman. She loves being creative about her experiences in life and expressing her feelings in a different narrative. She may hide her opinion but when she speaks her words are wise.